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Rogue Preparedness | Let's talk about urban and suburban preparedness with guest, MuthaPrepper.

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The Secure Dad Podcast | Is your car ready for your next emergency? Andy welcomes Des of MuthaPrepper to talk about what every family needs in their car in case something goes wrong.

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Rogue Preparedness | Today my guest is MuthaPrepper, a dear friend of mine who also lives in an urban area and has dreams of owning land someday but in the meantime she is homesteading right where she's at and we talk everything from gardening and security to just urban living and being a prepper in California

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Guest livestream with The Urban Prepper.

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Greyman Prepping | Hello Everyone! GreyMan Prepping Here! Tonight on the Grey Exchange we have special Guest Mutha Prepper! She is a Suburban mom from California who is a prepper. She works a full time job, goes to school and is raising a family. She is applying skills like gardening, self defense, food preps, survival techniques and many more! Join me tonight and welcome here to the prepping community!

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ThisPreparedLife | Episode 12 welcomes Des from @muthaprepper! Des is a wife, mom, student, and works full time. She lives in CA with her family and gardens in the suburbs.

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